Hey ladies lover lover is back on keeping you informed on what does it for us(men) in the sack. How many of you ladies have heard this before? "There's no p*ssy like new p*ssy." Well sorry to say........Its true ladies. So what are you going to do to compete against all this new coochie running around. Let's see virtually you have miscellaneous booty everywhere you turn. The water fountain at work, the day care center, the gym he attends. Not to mention the women who know that's your man and can't wait for you to fail. I know what some of you are thinking. You are thinking because of your good looks , your curves for days body,or those booty shots will keep him focused. Look here ladies all that is good ,but no use if you are a bump on a log .Click Here!How is your performance? Click Here!Become that porn star he likes to watch when your not around. Sit down with him and watch it, ask him can you jerk his d*ck while the both of you watch the porn together . Sit with him between your legs so he can feel the heat off your wet p*ssy against his back . Now psychologically you are having sex with him . Talk dirty Click Here! to him, if you don't know how its OK. Keeping an open mind will help you blow his.(mind that is) Most men fantasize about what you are not willing to do. Some times you should keep man off balance. Catch him off guard and rob him; tell him stick it up and give your dude the blow by blow play .... Don't mentally knock this until you physically tried this in your sex life. Sex and your relationship is two cars paralleled on a one way street moving in the same direction. Not two cars on a two way heading in opposite directions. READ IT TWICE IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND! Good sex leads to a healthy relationship which equals happiness. Neither of you should be famished when it comes to sex. Unless its hunger for each other. It may sound like a lot of work to keep reinventing your goodies, still your hard work will benefit you in the best way possible. Show your love how you work it. That's right show him how the booty work. Don't just bend over and let him beat it up . Throw it back take control flip him over. Reverse cowboy him to an orgasm, tell him to spank that booty while you play with yourself.
TURN YOUR FREAK ON! TURN HIM INTO YOUR BEST LOVER EVER! You should be sexing each other all over your house, every room, nook & cranny should have your essence. Sounds ridiculous, however it's not .
We are not saying get down rite nasty, what we are saying is have some class and finesse so ultimately we can treat you like the queen you are. This may sound like a cliche' , nevertheless all men are not kings , all women are not queens. The foundation for all of this is RESPECT . If he respects you as his queen than treat him like a king. If he has no respect for you reevaluate that situation. Find a king with an empty slot next to his throne and prosper physically(meaning sex), emotionally(meaning the love), and financially(meaning your bank account).
Now if you do not respect yourself as a queen you should not read this at all. All this good education and no respect does not mix. Down the road you are only going to hurt yourself, and ONLY TRUE FREAKS enjoy self inflicted pain. .......... So do you want to be his queen, or that true freak he calls only to get one off.
Kuttmaster lover lover has some info for you from us on what drives us (men) "batshit crazy about you". Before we go on this post is for active adults by active adults. OK! First off we love you...... minus the drama hint hint. When you come in our presence smelling like heaven & looking like prime rib dinner. We love that stuff, but what about the morning after? When your due is hanging to the side, and your perm is looking like the bride of Frankenstein with your breath loud as a horn on a freight train . Guess what? We love that too its because your sexy . Ooh yes. We love seeing you make those "OMG" faces, but what about us? Is your man, fiance',or husband making those faces? Are you really curling those toes? When some loose booty comes in his presence does he take a peak,or is he breaking his neck to see what he's been missing? Click Here! For the answer . If you did I promise he will be more attentive to you than you have ever seen before . These would be your results, no car problems, cell phone always turned on, mortgage/rent paid on time, grass cut, trash taken out, he wont be out sourcing, focused on what you are talking about, and most of all loyalty to you. Yeah that's what THAT does it keeps us focused on you and only you . This will get rid of the other woman, side pieces, old college flames, loose booty, around the way filet's. All because you put time in on the shaft of life. Oh did I mention its a two way street. Its a dog eat dog world and the men who love and want to keep their ladies are chowing down . Please don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about., you know y'all just love it when we go tornado tongue on you!
Good communication is key before all this is possible if you are monogamous, married, or in a committed relationship the both of you should be having fun with each other. Be honest how do you benefit from your partner if you are not having conversation together. When your not sexing what are you doing? What does he like ?What do you like? How can you and him get this on the same accord so you both can like it? Get your men to keep an open mind set make sure you speak to those listeners attached to his head...... STAY TUNED I WILL SHARE MORE NEXT POST.